Physical Discomfort & Visual efforts

 Physical discomfort When a user stays in VR environment for a long time, it causes the physical discomfort and makes a user suffering from the interaction such as selecting and holding a virtual object. Designer need to consider the comfortable range to help users experience VR content without disruption. It may influence a user’s cognitiveContinue reading “Physical Discomfort & Visual efforts”

The Principle of VR Experience – Spatial cognition

There are three techniques that should overcome and help us craft more usable experiences in VR: spatial cognition, physical discomfort, and visual efforts. Spatial cognition Rich spatial cues are one of VR’s unique features, understanding human cognition is a fundamental value for developing VR experiences. Because humans are visual and spatial learners, we present informationContinue reading “The Principle of VR Experience – Spatial cognition”

Background of VR

In recent decades, VR has provided various ways for users with emerging technology. People are enabled to enjoy the immersive experience in a virtual environment produced by computer applications. VR can be used for productivity to enhance user experience and boost work efficiency in specific fields such as education, development, and design. In 2013, anContinue reading “Background of VR”

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