Physical Discomfort & Visual efforts

 Physical discomfort

When a user stays in VR environment for a long time, it causes the physical discomfort and makes a user suffering from the interaction such as selecting and holding a virtual object. Designer need to consider the comfortable range to help users experience VR content without disruption. It may influence a user’s cognitive perceptions when they operate the interface function with a long and complex process. Therefore, it is important to divide one task into discrete interactions to decrease physical efforts.

 Visual efforts

The earlier cognitive issue caused by unrealistic objects, inappropriate placement of VR contents also impacts visual legibility. Unlike the 2D interface design, the VR interface placed the items in a readable distance. For example, when we put a VR movie screen, it should consider the readability of captions in reality. Large paragraphs of text are difficult to read in the VR interface. It should present with more sounds and images to help users understand the contexts. Besides, the usability principle of VR should inherit from existing 2D interfaces. The goal of the user-friendly interface is to make users intuitively immerse in the VR and use operate the items, including icons, buttons, and controls in the environment by themselves with little cognitive, physical, and visual effort.

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