Background of VR

In recent decades, VR has provided various ways for users with emerging technology. People are enabled to enjoy the immersive experience in a virtual environment produced by computer applications. VR can be used for productivity to enhance user experience and boost work efficiency in specific fields such as education, development, and design. In 2013, an experiment conducted by Mattias Roupé, Petra Bosch-Sijtsema, and Mikael Johansson, proves that interaction navigation interface for VR using the human body improves work performance in urban planning and computer-aided design. The virtual environment expands a user’s vision and workspace to translate natural and physical behaviors to interact with virtual objects. The video below shows an example of how to use tools like SketchUp and Unity to build your VR model and explore how best to engage stakeholders and the public with VR.

Different input and output devices support a user to actualize navigation, system control, selection, and manipulation using both conventional user interface, including keyboards with mice and natural user interface including body movement, gesture, gaze, and voice.

Currently, VR has not been popularized like PCs or smartphones; its most common use on customer level models are entertainment and gaming. The immersiveness, along with interactions using the human body of VR, has already created many high-quality applications and gradually promote VR headsets to the public. However, In terms of VR design, especially the VR interface design is an intricate design challenge involving several vital factors such as cognitive effort, implementation of interaction, usability, and visual design.

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