Equipment & Interaction

It is critical to design equipment for Virtual Reality. We need to think about the natural human movement in real space and find similarities in the virtual space. We eat, drink, walk, run, playing the piano, dance… all in very natural ways. What makes us feel real in a space? We use our sense organs and limbs to feel and react. Just like computers, human beings also have input and output units. Everything we see, hear, touch, smell, taste are considered as input, and we process the input information like a super biological computer using our internal organs. By the way, we eat and drink to absorb energy like charging batteries for our phones. Our body process all the information, and the information we get determines our feeling of real or not.

We feel the movement of our bodies, see a three-dimensional space with perspectives, hear sounds from different distances… All these feelings make us feel we are in the real world. The first step for virtual reality is to think about senses, because it is a simulated reality, and users should feel like in a real space. Although it is still a long way to go to build a realistic virtual space for human beings, because there are still other feelings that cannot be realized now, such as smelling, tasting and touching. There are people researching and developing touch components. Scientists invented “second skin” and it is “designed to give you touch feedback that feels natural without using electronic vibration.”



( Crazy people are making virtual reality experiences more and more like reality. It is inspirational for designers to explore more possibilities of virtual reality, and before that, we still need to design natural interactions for people to feel like in a real space. In the following sections, we will introduce hardware design and concept based on body movement, gesture, vision, sound, and other senses.

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