Current Applications

Though most of the current popular VR applications are related to video games, entertainment, and social media, several computer-aided design tools implement virtual reality technology to improve efficiency in architecture design and 3D model building process. Three-dimensional design tools can be powerful and convenient thanks to natural VR interactions and immersive display and workspace. For example, an interior architecture designer can complete modifications to a 3D model such as rearranging furniture placements in a virtual reality environment instead of a conventional 2D screen. In a virtual environment, a designer can teleport inside of the room model and move around the furniture while observing from different perspectives similar to a real-life experience. VR technology helps a designer to evaluate 3D models more efficiently and naturally of eliminating the conventional user interface struggles caused by an overwhelming number of commands on keyboards and mice according to Mattias Roupé, Petra Bosch-Sijtsema and Mikael Johansson in 2013 (p. 46). VR not only boosts the design process, but it also helps stakeholders make decisions faster since a walk-through experience is much more intuitive than a presentation with images and videos (Al-Kodmany, 2002; Kjems, 2005)

There are three useful VR applications for computer-aided design purposes that help designers solve various problems including Sketchup Viewer, VR Sketch and Gravity Sketch.

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