VR sketch

VR sketch is a more powerful extension for the Sketchup program and it offers users not only the freedom to explore in architecture models in true scale with a first-person viewing angle, but also to observe in a bird’s eye view angle for overall appearances and structures when using the warehouse mode. The warehouse mode showing the architecture model on a table in front of a user emulates the conventional scenario of a designer inspecting a physical one. VR Sketch allows direct 90 degree turns by pressing a button instead of turning head around to view for an in-model user and this user interface feature solves the possible cable tangle issue and motion sickness due to excess physical movements. Instead of 2D panels, the VR Sketch user interface is constructed by a list of 3D icons appear in mid-air within a comfortable reaching distance, so a user does not need to see through an implemented flat screen when he interacts with 3D icons directly. For example, a user can grab the pen icon in mid-air to activate the tool and start drawing lines immediately. The system also shows one action at a time to save users from using short term memories frequently for complex tasks and this user interface feature ensures the user flow uninterrupted.

3D icons menu
One action is shown at a time
Warehouse mode
Teleport movement

Besides viewing, VR Sketch allows design modifications in a virtual environment. Users can manage objects freely by applying duplications, size modifications, and placements while in the 3D models. VR Sketch is a terrific architecture visualization tool in terms of intuitive navigation and immediate design updates on both the VR headset end and the computer end. The program achieves the real-time update reflecting between the Sketchup software and in VR Sketch at the same time.

Apply design modifications in virtual environment

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