Sketchup Viewer

Sketchup Viewer is an extension for the 3D modeling application Sketchup and allows a user to walk in architecture models and emulate the experience in a physical setting. A user can move in different directions such as forward, back, left, right, up and down by moving the joystick of a controller. In the virtual environment, a designer can detect errors faster and more frequently because there are no blind spots when they can experience the spacial qualities intuitively. However, the designs are not available to alternate in Sketch Viewer and it has two user experience and interface problems.  

First-person view angle in Sketchup Viewer

First, it is hard to anchor and find a comfortable viewing position when a user first jumps in the virtual environment. The placement of the viewpoint influences eye level and viewing distance, and an unnatural user position can cause distractions and physical discomfort. Second, the two-dimensional user interface design directly inherits from a conventional computer screen is difficult to adapt in a virtual environment for users. The floating menu panel is relatively too far for viewing displayed options. It is also challenging to accurately aim and select a small virtual button using the controller points to it. According to the user feedback, a user needs to press the menu button to complete any input, and a free-hand operation should be implemented for a better user experience.

First step: to anchor a view point
Walk around with a 2D menu panel
Make selection by pointing a controller to a small button

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