Gravity Sketch

The last VR application Gravity Sketch is a 3D modeling tool for users to create 3D models from scratch in a virtual environment. A user can use the paintbrush tool to draw a 3D stroke in the air with depth besides width and length or transfer a flat square into a cube easily. Gravity Sketch also offers grids by showing mid-air connection points to help a user align objects accurately. Gravity Sketch grids solve the spatial recognition problem for VR users and aid them to execute intentional designs in terms of scale, length, size, and dimensions. 

Mid-air grids with connection points

Gravity Sketch implements two intuitive user interface features and they improve the user experience in a virtual environment. The color wheel not only offers a full spectrum of color selections on the circular panel but also allows a user to adjust the brightness of a selected color by pushing out or pulling in the color wheel in a z-axis direction. The frequently-used undo action in Gravity Sketch is implemented based on a time metaphor. By turning the left controller joystick counter-clockwise, a user can undo actions intuitively like flow back the time on a clock.

Color wheel: darken the color brightness by reaching out the controller away from body
Color wheel: lighten the color brightness by pulling in the controller towards body

VR applications benefit urban planning, architecture designs and 3D modeling in various aspects. Designers expand the vision and workspace in a virtual environment and experience 3D models realistically and naturally. VR interactions inheriting human behavioral elements enhance work efficiency for designers and boost faster decisions for stakeholders. VR design applications have vast potential to aid the design industry to improve.

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